HubSpot Report: LinkedIn Activities grouped by Sales Rep


This report will show you each individual sales rep's activity on LinkedIn, broken down by the activity type. It is useful if you want to know for each sales rep:

  • How many connection requests did they send?
  • How many connection requests were accepted?
  • How many messages did they send?
  • How many messages were accepted?
  • etc.


Under Reports , click Create Report .

Click on Single object .

Click Activities and then Next .

Click Add Actvitiy Property .

Add the property Activity assigned to . Then add another property and add Email subject . Click Next on the top right.

Modify your report so that it is displaying Activity assigned to and Email subject , measured by Count of Activities .

Click Filters .

Click Add filter .

Add the filter Email subject contains exactly [autocrm] . Then click Apply filter .

Give your report a name by clicking the pencil icon at the top center. Then click Save on the top right.

Your report is now ready to be viewed.

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