Find Contacts in HubSpot to Enroll in a LinkedIn Sequence

Sometimes you may want to find select contacts in HubSpot and enroll them in a Birdie LinkedIn sequence. To do so, first you need to apply a contact filter and then export the list of contacts to a CSV.

From your contacts page, click on Advanced filters (1), then add your filter on the right hand side. In this article, we'll assume that we're trying to enroll contacts with no email in a LinkedIn sequence. To do so, search for email (2) and then select Email (3). Note that this may not suit your needs, so you'll need to apply a different filter for your specific use case.

Set the Email to is unknown .

Check the checkbox at the top left (1) to select all your contacts. You may also see a banner giving you the option to select all your contacts across multiple pages (2) — Click this if it shows up.

Click Export .

In your export options under Properties included in export , select All properties on records (1). Then click Export (2).

The report will be emailed to you as a CSV. Once you obtain the CSV, you can enroll these contacts into a LinkedIn sequence.

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