Campaigns: Running a bulk action over an entire Sales Navigator search or lead list
Birdie can take a Sales Navigator people search or Sales Navigator lead list and engage with all the people in the search/list for you. No more clicking through a search and remembering where you left off — Instead, use Birdie Campaigns to automatically schedule all necessary connection requests, messages, and InMails.
Creating a campaign
From a Sales Navigator people search or lead list, click the bulk action button corresponding to the type of campaign you want to run (1), and then choose the option that indicates the bulk action should be applied to the entire list (2).
In the Task Runner, choose the required options to use in your campaign (1). If you are sending connection requests, messages, or InMails, this will be a template/sequence. If you are saving people to the CRM, this will be a CRM sequence or list. You will also need to give your campaign a unique name (2). Finally, click the Start Campaign
button at the bottom (3).
Your campaign is now running. Read on to learn how to execute your campaign tasks.
Executing your campaign tasks
Individual campaign tasks are created as scheduled tasks. As such, you execute your campaign tasks by executing your sequence steps.
To ensure that you don't send out too many messages at once, Birdie will schedule 25 campaign tasks at a time. Each batch of 25 corresponds to a single page in the people search / lead list. Once you've executed all the tasks for a given page, Birdie will schedule the 25 tasks from the next page. This process will continue until the entire people search / lead list has been visited.
How to view and manage your campaigns
To view your running campaigns, open Birdie's options and click on Campaigns
(1). You can visit the underlying people searches / lead lists (2), remove individual campaigns (3) or remove all campaigns at once (4).